31August 1 September New Historians Conference

2023-08-31 - 2023-09-01 All day

Kia ora koutou,

The Postgraduate students of the History Department at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, warmly invite you to attend the annual New Historians Conference to be held on the 31st of August and 1st of September this year.

Our theme for this year is “Historians in Social Movements”. Historians have always been involved in any great movement for change. Whether the cause has been for women’s liberation, queer rights, freedom from colonisation and racial oppression, or in the union movement, historians have played a vital role in uncovering lesser-known pasts, and helping groups become conscious of their present through them.

We are also delighted to introduce to you our keynote speakers –

Dr. Emma-Jean Kelly (Senior Audio-Visual Historian from Ministry of Culture and Heritage) In this kōrero, Dr Emma-Jean Kelly will share some of her experiences of writing herself into her work. She will discuss the risks and rewards of doing so as a professional historian and offer some observations on current social movements using a historical lens. [Barbie, a pink church, recent protests in Aotearoa and oral history will feature!]

Dr Cybèle Locke (Pākehā senior lecturer in the History Programme at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington) Dr Cybèle will be speaking to us about ‘Scholars and Stirrers: Campaigns to Remake Tertiary Education a Common Good, 1992-2023’


This conference is a hybrid event and will take place in-person as well as on Zoom (The link of which will be shared closer to the date of the conference)

  • The registration fees for in-person attendees is 35 NZD – which will cover lunches and am/pm tea, but not the conference dinner.
  • The registration fees for Zoom attendees is 20 NZD.
  • The conference dinner – which will be on the first day of the conference – will be an additional 25 NZD. (There will also be an option to pay for the conference dinner in-person on the 31st of August)

Click here to register for the conference!

For organisational purposes, registrations will close on 21st August. 

Conference dates: 31 August 2023 – 1 September 2023  

Venue: Victoria University of Wellington, Alan MacDiarmid Building, Rooms 103 and 105, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm.

Kindly find the schedule for the conference attached. 

For any queries, please feel free to write to us at newhistorians@vuw.ac.nz. To stay updated, do join the New Historians Conference Facebook group.

We look forward to seeing you at the New Historians Conference!

Ngā mihi,
Leanne, Isis and Amal
New Historians 2023 Organising Committee 

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