10 June 2023 Recording Seriously Oral History Workshop Day Two

2023-06-10 08:45 - 16:30

Day One is included below for completeness:

Day One: Introduction to Oral History
Brochure ..here..
Saturday 6 May 2023
An introduction to oral history methodology.
How to plan an oral history project, choose the
best equipment, achieve clear audio record-
ings, select informants, follow ethical proce-
dures, develop questioning techniques, process
oral history, and make the material available
for use. Bring a recorder if you have one you
intend to use for recording. Exercises to be
completed before Day Two will be discussed.

Day Two: Recording Seriously
Saturday 10 June 2023
Recording Seriously builds on Day One, review-
ing work completed and covering in more de-
tail interview techniques, project planning and
technical, ethical, and legal issues.
The Alexander Turnbull Library

$300 ($220 for Community card holders) for
both days
Limit: 12

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